Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lowering cellular data usage

It's a little late, but it's better than never. I always tell myself just post it next week. But instead, I decided to just post late. I should probably add on my New Years resolution is to be more on time and post more frequently.  Anyways 

This week, because New Years is around the corner I been trying to figure out ways to lower my spending and finding ways to save money. 
Besides my car payment, my cellphone bill is crazy! I have AT&T, and I swear they added all these crazy new charges. Like a mobile internet share charge. Anyways getting off topic. BUT, i am on a family plan, which they say is a good deal. Yet somehow we always, always go over on cellular data! Which is even more annoying because sometimes I pass it like right before midnight. So not only do I have to pay $15 for a whole gig! I didn't even get to use that gig!! (There needs to be rollover data!)  so i decided to find ways to see how I am using my data! This app comes in handy it's called my data manager. 
Here are a few screen shots within the app it tells you how much is left in your plan and how much you have used and predicted for the rest of the day 
The app also shows you a graph on your daily habits. 
I really enjoy this app because it shows where I need to improve on cutting back. 

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